Speaking / Booking Request
About You
Your Name:
Your Position / Title:
Your Telephone Number:
Your Fax Number:
Your E-mail Address:
Host Organization
Contact E-mail Address:
Organization Website URL (if applicable):
Organizational Telephone Number:
Mobile Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Physical Address:
Alabama (AL)
Alaska (AK)
Arizona (AZ)
Arkansas (AR)
California (CA)
Colorado (CO)
Connecticut (CT)
Delaware (DE)
District of Columbia (DC)
Florida (FL)
Georgia (GA)
Guam (GU)
Hawaii (HI)
Idaho (ID)
Illinois (IL)
Indiana (IN)
Iowa (IA)
Kansas (KS)
Kentucky (KY)
Louisiana (LA)
Maine (ME)
Maryland (MD)
Massachusetts (MA)
Michigan (MI)
Minnesota (MN)
Mississippi (MS)
Missouri (MO)
Montana (MT)
Nebraska (NE)
Nevada (NV)
New Hampshire (NH)
New Jersey (NJ)
New Mexico (NM)
New York (NY)
North Carolina (NC)
North Dakota (ND)
Ohio (OH)
Oklahoma (OK)
Oregon (OR)
Pennyslvania (PA)
Puerto Rico (PR)
Rhode Island (RI)
South Carolina (SC)
South Dakota (SD)
Tennessee (TN)
Texas (TX)
Utah (UT)
Vermont (VT)
Virginia (VA)
Virgin Islands (VI)
Washington (WA)
West Virginia (WV)
Wisconsin (WI)
Wyoming (WY)
Alberta (AB)
British Columbia (BC)
Manitoba (MB)
New Brunswick (NB)
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
Northwest Territories (NT)
Nova Scotia (NS)
Nunavut (NU)
Prince Edward Island (PE)
Saskatchewan (SK)
Ontario (ON)
Quebec (QC)
Yukon (YT)
Aguascalientes (AGS)
Baja California Norte (BCN)
Baja California Sur (BCS)
Campeche (CAM)
Chiapas (CHIS)
Chihuahua (CHIH)
Coahuila (COAH)
Colima (COL)
Distrito Federal (DF)
Durango (DGO)
Guanajuato (GTO)
Guerrero (GRO)
Hidalgo (HGO)
Jalisco (JAL)
México - Estado de (EDM)
Michoacán (MICH)
Morelos (MOR)
Nayarit (NAY)
Nuevo León (NL)
Oaxaca (OAX)
Puebla (PUE)
Querétaro (QRO)
Quintana Roo (QROO)
San Luis Potosí (SLP)
Sinaloa (SIN)
Sonora (SON)
Tabasco (TAB)
Tamaulipas (TAMPS)
Tlaxcala (TLAX)
Veracruz (VER)
Yucatán (YUC)
Zacatecas (ZAC)
Postal Code:
Meeting Facility Information
Location of meeting (if different from above):
Physical Address:
Alabama (AL)
Alaska (AK)
Arizona (AZ)
Arkansas (AR)
California (CA)
Colorado (CO)
Connecticut (CT)
Delaware (DE)
District of Columbia (DC)
Florida (FL)
Georgia (GA)
Guam (GU)
Hawaii (HI)
Idaho (ID)
Illinois (IL)
Indiana (IN)
Iowa (IA)
Kansas (KS)
Kentucky (KY)
Louisiana (LA)
Maine (ME)
Maryland (MD)
Massachusetts (MA)
Michigan (MI)
Minnesota (MN)
Mississippi (MS)
Missouri (MO)
Montana (MT)
Nebraska (NE)
Nevada (NV)
New Hampshire (NH)
New Jersey (NJ)
New Mexico (NM)
New York (NY)
North Carolina (NC)
North Dakota (ND)
Ohio (OH)
Oklahoma (OK)
Oregon (OR)
Pennyslvania (PA)
Puerto Rico (PR)
Rhode Island (RI)
South Carolina (SC)
South Dakota (SD)
Tennessee (TN)
Texas (TX)
Utah (UT)
Vermont (VT)
Virginia (VA)
Virgin Islands (VI)
Washington (WA)
West Virginia (WV)
Wisconsin (WI)
Wyoming (WY)
Alberta (AB)
British Columbia (BC)
Manitoba (MB)
New Brunswick (NB)
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
Northwest Territories (NT)
Nova Scotia (NS)
Nunavut (NU)
Prince Edward Island (PE)
Saskatchewan (SK)
Ontario (ON)
Quebec (QC)
Yukon (YT)
Aguascalientes (AGS)
Baja California Norte (BCN)
Baja California Sur (BCS)
Campeche (CAM)
Chiapas (CHIS)
Chihuahua (CHIH)
Coahuila (COAH)
Colima (COL)
Distrito Federal (DF)
Durango (DGO)
Guanajuato (GTO)
Guerrero (GRO)
Hidalgo (HGO)
Jalisco (JAL)
México - Estado de (EDM)
Michoacán (MICH)
Morelos (MOR)
Nayarit (NAY)
Nuevo León (NL)
Oaxaca (OAX)
Puebla (PUE)
Querétaro (QRO)
Quintana Roo (QROO)
San Luis Potosí (SLP)
Sinaloa (SIN)
Sonora (SON)
Tabasco (TAB)
Tamaulipas (TAMPS)
Tlaxcala (TLAX)
Veracruz (VER)
Yucatán (YUC)
Zacatecas (ZAC)
Postal Code:
Engagement (Schedule/Information):
Requested Date(s):
Requested Time(s):
What Type of Event?:
Theme of Event?:
For Advertising Purposes, Will Registration Fee Be Charged?:
If Yes, What Amount?:
Average Number of Expected Attendance:
Total Occupancy of Meeting Facility?:
What Type of Advertising Will You Do?:
Travel Accommodations
Due to the nature of Denia Briggs’ frequent travel schedule, we will arrange her airline reservations and ask that reimbursement be made for her and her assistant’s airfare.
Nearest Commercial Airport to Meeting Location:
Approximate Driving Time from Hotel to the Meeting Facility:
Suggested Hotel Accommodations
Hotel Name:
Hotel Address:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Name of Restaurants in the Area:
Product Sales
Will Denia Briggs be permitted to sell products?:
If So, May We Have At Least Two (2) Tables to Display Products?:
Can You Provide At Least Two (2) Volunteers to Help Work the Tables?:
Any Miscellaneous Information You Would Like to Provide?:
Additional Details: